I am starting to face the unsettling truth that this whole pregnancy thing is
flying by. I am amazed that we have just about three months left until we meet our baby girl. At times I feel like I am ready for the pregnancy part to be over, and there are times that I would like to keep her in there forever. I mean honestly, having a kid is scary business and part of me likes that she is safe and protected at the moment. On the other hand, I think Kevin and I are ready to begin this adventure, to learn as we go, to grow as a couple and as a family. So hopefully when the time comes, the "I'm ready" feeling will overshadow the "this is scary" feeling.
We have had a busy and productive couple of weeks. Kevin is winding down his second year of residency, which means the worst is over (yay!) and he will finally have at least two weekends off a month! I'm also so proud of how far he has come, what he has accomplished this year, and how he has handled the long hours, the stress and sheer exhaustion. With the end of the year comes many "ortho family" celebrations, welcome picnics for the new interns and graduation dinners for the outgoing fifth years. Again, at this time of year, I am reminded how lucky we are to have ended up in such a great place for residency. We could not have gotten through this time nearly as well without the support and friendship of the other residents and their families. I am very much looking forward to third year!
As for baby news, I had a doctor's appointment this week and everything is going well. I measured at exactly 26 weeks, the heartbeat sounded great, my blood pressure is low and my weight is on track(although on the upper end). Overall I am definitely starting to feel really pregnant. My feet hurt every.single.day, I have swelling in my hands, feet and ankles and it is starting to get hot here. I have also noticed that my hips don't seem to be attached anymore (Kevin would tell me the technical term for that is ligament laxity), I just know that it feels funny when I walk or lay on my side, as if things are moving around too much. The baby is still very active and is definitely getting stronger. I felt her hiccups for the first time last week, and they now seem to be a common occurence. It is still amazing to me to see and feel my stomach moving because of her. I have made progress on the nursery and am so happy with how it is turning out. I will share pictures once we get paint on the walls.
Now for some pictures from that past few weeks:
25 weeks |
26 weeks |
Kevin and I at Ortho Graduation |
Kevin took this picture, so excuse the sun in our eyes. Britta is another expecting mommy from the ortho program who is due 4 weeks after me. I do know that I look way more pregnant than her, we'll just say its those 4 weeks.
Britta (another mommy to be) and I at Graduation |
Kevin and I had a fantastic anniversary dinner at The Sherwood Inn in Skaneateles. I have wanted to try this place since we moved here, and we finally had a good excuse! It was 10 times better than our anniversary last year at Turning Stone Casino, in my opinion, we had a table right on their front porch, looking over the lake. The only disappointing part of the night was that we discovered our favorite ice cream place in this area, The Bluewater Cafe, has closed because they are turning it into a bar! A bar! What good is that, what did they do with all the delicious ice cream? We had to make do with a half gallon from Wegmans, because I had been anticipating ice cream all day and Kevin knew better than to disappoint his pregnant wife on his anniversary!
Sherwood Inn |
We love that this town is just a 30 minute drive away.
Skaneateles |
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