Katherine Eleanor arrived on her due date, September 30, 2013, weighing in at 8 lbs, 14 oz and was 21 inches long.
We started out the labor process not knowing what to expect because I went in for a scheduled induction on Sunday 9/29. I had heard all of the usual horror stories about inductions, and really tried to keep an open mind about what it would mean for me. I
wanted an epidural free, least intervention possible birth, but knew that an induction might be a game changer. Well thankfully, Baby Kate was willing to cooperate and I had a quick and natural delivery.
I began the induction process with several doses of a prostaglandin (to ripen the cervix) overnight. The plan was to "prepare" the cervix with prostaglandins and then have my water broken and be given pitocin to start labor the next morning. However, the prostaglandin treatment gave me regular contractions starting with the first dose. I was given a total of 3 (out of 4) doses when my water broke on its own at 3:30 am. At that point, my contractions were less than 5 minutes apart and very painful! My support during labor was unbelievable though, and I was able to get through it in large part due to everyone who was there. The chief resident caring for me happened to be a good friend of ours (her husband works with Kevin), my nurse was incredible and Kevin was very calm and attentive. I was able to get out of bed and walk around to alleviate some pain, I also spent a lot of time on the exercise ball, which was a lot more comfortable for me. I received a half dose of morphine, which took the edge off enough to allow me to relax. Once I relaxed and could focus on other things besides the contractions, I was able to handle to pain. At around 5:30 am I was still only 2 cm dilated, so Kevin decided it was safe for him to go round on his patients and attend morning conference. He called my mom and his mom (who were at our house with the dogs) to come in and take over for him for a little while. I was probably the most uncomfortable during the next hour, but the moms were very helpful and supportive .. taking turns massaging my back and talking me through the contractions. I received another half dose of morphine at this point, but was still feeling like I wouldn't be able to handle much more without something stronger. Thankfully the resident checked me at this point and I was 5 cm dilated! Finding out I was progressing (and quickly!) gave me a boost of confidence and I decided to forgo any further pain intervention. Kevin's mom had called him to tell me how quickly things were going so he hurried back (after stopping at Dunkin Donuts though!). I was checked again about an hour later and was 6 cm. I was beginning to wear down again and asked for something else for the pain. My nurse and resident convinced me to try out the jacuzzi tub before doing anything else and I agreed. The tub felt amazing to me, it relieved all the pressure on my back and I could fully relax. The contractions felt a whole lot less intense and I was so comfortable I didn't even realize how much time was going by. Kevin played music and talked to me, while my nurse applied cold wash cloths to my face and neck and massaged my shoulders. When I started feeling a lot of pressure, she decided it was time to (quickly) get me back to my room, where we discovered I was 10 cm dilated! The resident advised me to continue on the exercise ball to allow gravity to bring the baby down into position before I started pushing. When I couldn't ignore the feeling to push any longer, they allowed me to get back into bad and go for it. After about 15 minutes baby Kate was here, and it all felt completely worth it!
All hooked up and ready to go |
Not very happy |
First family picture |
Mimi checking out her granddaughter |
Bushia's turn |
Proud Grandmothers |
Happy Daddy! |
1st Bath |
heading home |
So far Kate is very laid back, and excellent eater and is sleeping as much as we can expect. I think we got very lucky! We don't know where her hair came from! She doesn't look a whole lot like any single person, but has a mix of features from us. We're excited to watch her change and grow.
I love this! Beautiful pics. I can't wait to meet her and see you!!!