- Babbling: She is a champion babbler now. She has so many different sounds and will go on and on, its as if she's really trying to have a conversation with you.

Tummy Time: She is getting so much better at tummy time. It's still not her favorite, but there's definitely improvement!
Sucking her thumb: She is officially a thumb sucker. She uses it to self soothe, which means she is weaning herself from the pacifier.

Giggling: She has started to giggle! Nothing consistently makes her do it, but it's so cute when she does.
Played with other kids: She has really started noticing other kids, and loves to interact with them. Good thing she has Sloan to play with during the week, and other babies to meet.
Kate has also started being generally more aware of her surroundings, and loves to look around. She is not as much of a fan of her carrier any more because she faces in. She flipped out in the grocery store the other day (first time that's happened!) and was only content when I took her out of the carrier so she could look around. We have started using the stroller a lot more often for this same reason, and have even started running! So many changes in such a short time, she continues to amaze us every day!
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