Happy Six Months Kate! Kate is an absolute delight nowadays. Our sleep issues are in the past (for now), she is laid back, happy, well adjusted and so much more interactive. I really love this stage, and am trying to enjoy it while it lasts. We don't have very many changes from last month as far as firsts and routine. Kate is still doing really well at the sitter's, and is pretty consistent in her "schedule". She is still a power napper, and is sleeping so much better at night - getting up only once between 12 am and 3 am usually. We have made the trip home 4 times this month (4!) and Kate has done unbelievably well in the car and with the disruption to her "normal". I think we have forced her to become a good little traveler. We have tried several new foods and she continues to pretty much like everything - peas, sweet potatoes(her favorite), applesauce, apricots and baby oatmeal. She is getting very good at sitting on her own and can lean forward and sideways and pull herself back up. She also does this funny thing with her legs when she is laying on her back (mostly while being changed), she lifts her legs a couple inches and tries to sit up, we think she's going to have abs of steel! She likes to "lounge" now, and will just lean back on a pillow and hang out. She still likes to play with toys in her booster seat and daddy discovered that she likes to pick out her own toys from her basket. She loves when people clap for her, and slams her hands down on her legs when we do it. She has
just started to try to clap her hands together, and actually managed to do it once for Becca and I. She has started to pick up on signs, and most definitely knows the signs for "milk" and "eat"(she gets really excited and shakes her hands and legs). I think she has tried to sign "milk" back, but it could just be a coincidence that she is making a fist. She still likes swimming with Chutchie Kristin, and gets to go fairly often since we've been home so much! She has also started kicking while getting a bath - so we've had to switch to the real tub so mommy doesn't get all wet! Kate, we feel so incredibly blessed to have you in our lives and we are really enjoying watching you grow and change. You are so loved by your family and friends, we had a tough week this past week with the loss of your great grandmother and great uncle, you were a source of light and comfort in a difficult time.

Leg Lifts! (and those thighs!) This picture actually shows how long her torso is, and her short little legs. She is long for her age, and has been growing out of clothes so quickly (we're in 12-18 months people), but it is mostly because of that torso!
Loves that thumb.
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