We have had a good couple of weeks here in the McCoy Family. The weather in upstate NY has been phenomenal, 75 and sunny for over a week straight. We have had a few cloudy days and some rain this past week, but at this point the rain was needed. We've been enjoying the weather with a lot of hiking, many barbeques and lots of yard work. Kevin has started playing baseball in a men's league with a friend of his. He has had two games so far, and they made me realize how much I've missed watching baseball! Here are a few pictures from week 18:
18 weeks |
Emily enjoying her new "pillow" |
This past week we had our 19 week Anatomy Scan sonogram. I was incredibly excited for this appointment, I knew parts of it would be in 3D, it would include a lot of detail, I really wanted to see our baby's face and best of all we would find out the sex! Well Baby McCoy had a whole other plan for that day. It proved to be very difficult to get any good images of this baby, who was breech, curled up and moving the entire time. The ultrasound tech was able to get most of the necessary anatomy views, we saw little feet (kicking!), two hands and other various glimpses of things. However we never got a full view of the baby! No profile, no facial views and more importantly no "down there" shots. The technician gave us a 60% guess that it was a girl, just because she hadn't seen "anything". Needless to say I was very disappointed. She told me to go to the bathroom and walk around a little bit, and we would try again. The second time around we were able to get a little better of a view, and our tech bumped up her estimate to 80% girl. So if its a he, he was hiding his little parts very well. So as of now we're going with Girl! The good news is, because she was being so difficult, the technician was not able to get all of the necessary anatomy measures in the heart (what she saw looked normal), so I have to go back in 2.5 weeks for another sonogram. Maybe that time our little one will be more cooperative.
19 weeks |
This is literally the only 3D image we got out of the whole appointment, and the only picture she printed for us. Seems like we have a camera shy little one.
Baby McCoy 19 weeks |