Friday, August 8, 2014

Dog Days

Kate and the dogs have always gotten along, but over the past few months we have really enjoyed watching their relationship develop.  Kate loves all animals, but especially dogs.  Anytime we see one while out and about, she gets really excited, flaps her arms and barks at them.  She and Emily have a special relationship, and Kate gets more excited to see Emily than Baxter.  Emily will also go up and check on her in her room when she's napping - most of the time she ends up waking her up!  Baxter is the one that will let her do whatever she wants to him though.  We have joked for a while that Kate is going to grow up thinking that she is a dog, but sometimes I think this is actually true!


  1. Hi! yesterday I was lucky to find your blog by searching about nursery make over process and colors. And I was very surprised to see that you have beside an adorable little girl also 2 labs :). We are expecting twins and we have also a male labrador, Cloud. Now, why I wrote to you... is to ask you how you handle those 2 inside the home, around your little princess, with their hair all over (ours loose a lot so we decided to keep him only outside and kitchen). Do you have a special treatment for them? thanks a lot for reading my comment, for blog posts, and wish you all the best. Ale

    1. Hi Ale! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I'm not used to getting comments :) Congratulations on your twins! I am a twin and my sister is my best friend. As for the dogs and baby - behavior wise ours are amazing. We have not had any trouble with them, and they just walk away if they've had enough of her. We do keep her away from them while they're eating, don't let her pull their tails/hair/ears and try to keep her out of their crates (although she loves them). As far as the hair, oh my, I do not have an easy answer for you. It drives me crazy, and I don't think there is much you can do! It wasn't bad until she started crawling and it is a little better now that she is starting to walk. I do vacuum every other day and have a steam mop that I use - probably every other week. I try not to go crazy, honestly it won't bother the babies! Good luck!
