I'm a little late on Kate's 11 month pictures. I had left my camera back home in PA, so I missed out on her actual 11 month day, but better late than never right? Kate is an absolute delight, I know I keep saying it, but it's true! She is truly a very happy-go-lucky little girl, I hope she maintains that spirit an personality her entire life. She looks different every day and learning new things all the time. We have had a busy month with visits from both sets of grandparents, a visit home and going to the State Fair. Kate continues to be a great eater and we are finally starting to wean from nursing, which I am more emotional about than I thought I would be. She typically nurses first thing in the morning, before her afternoon nap and before bed time. She is eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and gets an afternoon snack when she wakes up from her nap. She recently learned how to appropriately use her signs (which is making weaning that much more difficult), but she can sign "milk", "eat" and "all-done". She is waving hi and bye, and is mimicking us a lot more. She is trying out a lot of new sounds, and even made a fart noise with her mouth after Kevin farted out loud today. She mimics us when we cough too. She has words for dog, dude, duck, and can say dad and hi clearly. She also makes a consistent sound for "emily" but since it is nowhere close to sounding like Emily, I'm not sure that it counts. She still insists on calling me dad too, even though she is starting to make "m" noises. She said "Hi" clearly and appropriately for the first time to Sloan while watching a video of him, it was very cute. She is not walking independently, but has been cruising on furniture and behind her cart for awhile now. She even got her first pair of new shoes from Bushia and Pop-Pop. She has taken a couple of steps on her own, but doesn't try to often. She likes to fall into your arms if you try to get her to walk to you. She still just has the two bottom teeth! Her top four are starting to peek through and she has two more on the bottom sitting in place, they're just taking their time I guess. I just hope we don't have a 6 teeth coming in all at once type of thing.
Her other new favorites now are:
- taking all the books off the shelves and removing their jackets
- holding two things in one hand - she's very determined about this and I think it's the funniest thing
- climbing the stairs
- dogs still - LOVES dogs
- ducks - now has separate sounds for what does the duck say? and what does the dog say?
- stuffed animals
- giving kisses
I want her hair .. it's ok to be a little jealous of your own baby right?
Yelling at the dogs:

She loved playing with these stacking cups at my parent's house. This blue one had a duck on the bottom of it, so it was her favorite.
Ready for nap time. That thumb. Gets me every time.
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