Wednesday, April 24, 2013

17 weeks and counting

We have had a very productive week as far as preparing for baby McCoy goes.  Kevin came home early from his week of vacation to spend the weekend with me, and I'm glad he did, because once we realized it would be his last weekend off until July (!) we decided to get some work done around the house.  First on our agenda was to clean out our office in order to turn it into a nursery.  Just going through that process made this whole baby thing seem a lot more real.  We spent the entire day Saturday cleaning, organizing and purging.  After loads of trash and even more bags ready to go to Goodwill, we ended up with this:

Since Kevin used the closet in the office for his clothes, I had to do some purging of my own clothes to make room in my closet to share.  I would consider this the first major sacrifice for this offspring of mine, sharing a closet with my husband!  Overall, it has been working out very well so far, and it was a great opportunity to organize and get rid of a whole bunch of stuff.  It was actually slightly easier to condense my wardrobe because I don't have many clothes that fit me very well right now!  Maybe it will teach me a lesson on living with less.  Kevin is doing his best to manage my "quaker" tendencies to save everything!

Once we had an empty room, we immediately realized that we would need some furniture to fill it up.  We realize there will be many things we have to purchase, but we are trying to get the nursery outfitted as cheaply as possible.  So we were thrilled to find a beautiful dresser on Craigslist, that will work perfectly as a changing table.  We also have Kevin's great grandfather's rocking chair that was given to us by his grandmother.  I think things are starting to come together.  Now we just have to find out what we're having to pick out paint and fabric, and then on to crib shopping!

As for how I'm doing this week, I feel fantastic.  I definitely "popped" this week, which I don't really think this photo does justice.  I am having fewer headaches, and have a good amount of energy.  I'm going to try and enjoy it while it lasts.

I have been sleeping really well, I think it is because I found the perfect orientation of pillows to keep me comfortable.  Here is Baxter enjoying all the extra cushion in my spot in bed.

Baby McCoy is growing like a weed, he/she is apparently the size of a pear and is growing bones this week(well they're ossifying).  I have not gained that much more weight since my rapid first trimester weight gain.  Maybe another pound in the last three weeks, I guess my body is shifting stuff around and putting it all in my belly.  I have still been feeling the baby move every once in a while, and it still surprises me every time.  From feeling the baby move, to getting started on the nursery and talking to my aunt and sister about baby shower planning, this may be the first week that all of this feels very "real" to me, and it is so exciting!

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