Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yesterday's Project

Good morning!  Yes, today is my birthday (yay) and also my twin sister's, Happy Birthday Becca! so I am not going to spend much time on the computer, but I wanted to write a quick post about the project I did yesterday.  I have been thinking about/wanting to complete this project for a couple of months, and it ended up not taking a pretty short time to complete so I am not sure why I waited so long!

It started with a little bit of inspiration on Pinterest here, and a fantastic find of an old door/window in our shed, and a blank spot in our stairway.  I have been wanting to hand pictures going up our stairs since we moved in, and thought this would be a great way to add some photos and decor in a unique way.  I envisioned hanging the door at an angle to match the stairs, and then the pictures would be at an angle compared to the panes in the door so they would be straight when you actually look at them.

I started out by cleaning and lightly sanding the old door.  It is a little rough around the edges, but I like the vintage/peeling look, I guess I could always paint it in the future if I want to.
Then I printed out pictures that I wanted to place in the "frame".  I chose places that Kevin and I have visited together, or are important to us; like Fair Hill, Lake Wentworth, Hawaii, the farm, our dogs etc.  I really like that I can easily switch out the photos for different seasons or just a change of pace.  I taped the photos to the back of the "frame, at an angle so they would be straight as you walk up the steps, and nailed in picture hanging strips at the same angle to the back of each top corner.  Sorry for the lack of "before" and "in progress" pictures, I was in a hurry.

Pictures laid out ... Baxter approves
My helpers
If you have a really sharp eye you might notice that I taped all the pictures the wrong way ... basically backwards, they were going the opposite direction to the angle of the steps.  It was easy enough to flip them the other way though :)
I had a little trouble hanging it in the stairwell by myself, but some how I made it work.  Here is the finished product:

Now I just need to paint the stairway and upstairs hallway.  I was thinking a neutral color before, but I may go with something a little bolder ... it would look nice behind the "frame".  Enjoy your Saturday everyone!  I'm going to go wake up my husband so we can have a fun birthday day!

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